Al and Bess Capsuto


Nona and Papoo




Al Capsuto in the Senior Center in Longbeach NY where he enjoyed going



Al Capsuto in the Senior Center in Longbeach NY where he enjoyed going





Leon Capsuto





Bess sisters --  Rose, Rebecca (Bess's Mom, Bess,Croline

Front Row --  Belle and Cherly





Al and Bess Capsuto



Al and Bess+  Reberta Rockoff and ??????  Rockoffs   (Harry and Belle's daughters)   


Al and Bess with Jackie in the center


Eddie and Al Capsuto


One Row --  Jeannie (Al sister) , Tommy (Becky husband), Becky (Al sister),Al and Bess , Syke (Al's Sister)




Rona and son Steven Capsuto

Backrow -  Sammy (Cappy) (Al's Brother) + Eva (wife of Sammy) , Becky, Jeannie,

Front Row, Eddie, Libby (wife of Hermie) , Jackie, Syke.







Nona and Hermie

Brenda Bell

Syke and Howie wedding picture...


Al and Hermie


Al and Bess



Bess's Mother + Bess's sister Rose. 




Nona and Papoo's  50th Wedding with:
Back Eddie, Becky, Sammy, Al,

Front Jeannie, Hermie, Nona , Jackie, Papoo and Syke

Syke + Howie



Back Row:  ??????, Betty Elias, ?????, AL and Bess, Ben Elias, ????

Tuffy Capsuto ---  Syke and Howie's poodle


Libby and Bruce... 

Back -- Bess, Nona, Steve and Allen being held
Front -- Mystery Child

Wendy Bell

Brenda Bell

Wendy and Brenda


Left - ?????     Right- ?????

Arthur -  Son of Uncle Frank and Jean (Frank is Nona's Brother)

Steven Capsuto

?????? and ?????



Arthur  +   Frank and Jean --(Frank is Nona's Brother)

Mystery Family?????

Papoo is 3rd from right..

Rest ?????

Eddie and ??????

Eddie with Record...

Brenda , Wendy and Steven


Wendy and Brenda



Allen Capsuto


Dennis and Marc --- Becky and Tommy's sons..



Nona -  Olive Street (Al and Bess's patio.)

Jackie and Eda

Baby on a phone... 




Al Capsuto

Harry Susman (Belle Capsuto Husband) , ?????,  Al Capsuto








Bells's Brother -- Sammy and Perhaps Annette daughter

Bill Chernoff (????)  and Jeffery and Brian Sussman


Sammy and Annet daughtor ??   (Annet  and Sammy (Bess's brother) daughtor Sharron and her husban Elliot. 

Nat Grainite (friend of Al Bess) and   Bert Greenhut (friend of Al Bess)

Mystery Girl????

Larry and Dianne Sussman with Brian and Jeffery   (Larry -  is Bell and Harrie's son)


Al and Bess Capsuto


Man in a suit... 

Bess Capsuto

Bess's father Elias Rockoff

Nona and Papoo

Nona and Papoo

Sammy Rockoff  (Bess's  brothers)

Al Capsuto

Hermie, Rhoda Bell and Al

?????, Al Capsuto, ????

Bess Capsuto

Al and Bess on left..  --- Do not where this is..

Cruse -- Al and Bess

??????, Wendy and Brenda

Libby and Hermie

Hermie and the Band leader... 


Reberta's Wedding..
Kid in Front -- Jeff and (Bell and Howie on his right)
Front - Barbra CHurnoff (Bess's sister Caroline's daughter),Bess , Rerberta (Bell and Howie's daughtor) ,

Next row ???,????, Al 


Sharyl and George  (Bell and How daughtor)

Al and Bess