Above:   Rhoda, Grandpa Al and Grandma Bess  and Becky Rissman (Grandpa's Sister)




Above:   Lanny , Hermie(Grandpas Brother)  , and Nana (Gradpas Mom)




Above:   Grandma and her friend Rose Levinson



Above:    Now we tranported someplace else....   and then we go back...

Above:  Rona Capsuto - Becky  -  friend Betty Elias



Hermy , Al Capsuto and Nona. 




Allen, Nona and Al Capsuto

My mom Rona and Hermie 


Perhaps Adem Klien??


Michel Bronstein ...All the way to right Sammy Beran.  




Above:  Allen, Nona, Steven...  Jeannie (Grandpa's Sister) 



Above:  Allen, Nona, Steven...  Jeannie (Grandpa's Sister)   and Rhoda.

Above:  Steven and our mom Rona...



-----  Unrelated to above photos but on same roll ---  Friends


Front -- Adam Klein, Howard Simpkin, Sammy Beran, Steven, Nicky Kouvatas

Backrow:Jonathan Klein, Steve Castro, Michael Bronstein, Mark Savage, Frank DiTomasso

Bowling Winners:
Jonathan Klein, Steve Castro, Michael Bronstein,



Purim Party...

Steven and Allen



Steven as King Ahashueros