Above:    Allen with a feather... 


Above:    Some party...   Perhaps Alan Hilibrand, Robert Rogers??, Mark Savage


Above:    1/2 cutoff is unknown,  Allen, ??Paul??, Gene DiPerna, Keith Israel


Above:    ?????, Stewart Gerson, Michael Bronstein, Brad Molotsky, Gene DiPerna


Above:    ?????? -- Middle Tommy Anapole,Allen, Andy Klein,   Far right Bronstain. 



Steven and Michiel. 


Above:     Me in the background...


Above:    Brenda Bell and Danielle Faden


Mary Pappas, Jean Freedman, ???



Wendy Bell, Elisa Briskin, Mary Pappas, 


40th Anavery of Al and Bess Capsuto


Ben Elis , Nona and my mom Rona..    At Bess and Al's house on Olive Street.. 




40th anavery for AL and Bess Capsuto - July of 1971  -- Wendy me and Steven... 


Branda and Steven... 


Bert Greenhut and Nat Granite


Al and Bess ....    Aunt Belle Sussman

Steven and Brenda.. 


Al and Bess..... 40th...


Steven ar Gatewood Rd. 


Allen at Gatewood RD


Al the gifts from the 40th... 



Aunt Bell Sussman -  Grandma Sister. 

Grandma - Becky ---  Ben Alias  ---  Allen  -- Nona.  


My Mom... 




Steven and  Howrad Simkin. 


Branda   ?????  and Gienie Freeman.  



Left:   Nicky Kouvatas?


Rhoda Bell and Rona Capsuto

Philly Grandparents.

Cusion Anet Capssuto,    -  Belle  --  ???? 

40th   -- Grandpa --  Wendy.  and me. 

Steve Castro, Steven Capsuto, Nicky Kouvatas

Wendy,  Danielle Faden, Brenda and Allen



Above:   Steven blowing out candles. 

Above:   Steven blowing out candles.

Above :  Rona Capsuto and Rhoda Bell

Above:  Rona Capsuto

Above:   Al and Bess Capsuto  

Right -  Bell

Front -  Rona

Ben and Betty Elias  ---   Vickie  --  and Nona... 

Sitting all the way to the right --  Annette and Izzy Cassuto

Left Side --- Rona and Leon Capsuto --- 



Allen Capsuto and Wendy Bell ..



Al and Bess Capsuto


Allen -  Steven - Eddie -- Rona ---  Rayian...

Steve - Wendy - Allen  --  Singer Guy

Betty Alais...

Izzy Selsky  in background.

Nona and Steven - Rona- Allen  and Hermie 




Becky doing situps.... 


Ben Elias , me (Allen), Nona  and my mom (Rona Capsuto) 



Boody Stash from the party...

Al Capsuto  --  Anne Veran


Nona and Al Capsuto


Allen Capsuto



Wendy and Allen

